Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ever wanted to change things you cant change?

So I have had a hard time thinking about what I want to make my blog about. Lately I have been thinking about a lot and how I want to change things that I can’t, or go back and do things differently. I know that we can’t do this, so I decided to write a blog, through my person experiences, about trying to live a better life and not have to regret a lot later.
By doing this I will not only be informing you, but helping myself. Keep in mind that everything I will write I am guilty of as well. I am hoping that this will help someone else as well.
Barbara Bush once said: At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/regret.html
So in a nutshell I am trying to live my life day by day and enjoying it. I will write about my experiences as I go along.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

About Me

My name is Cole, I am 21, and I have lived in the same city my entire life. Unfortunately it's clear out in the middle of no where. My dream is to move to California when I graduate, but if that doesn't pan out I am at least moving to Salt Lake.

My best friend Rachelle and me.

I come from a big family with 8 siblings, me being second to last. I will be the second person to graduate with a college degree. My older sister, Cristel, and I will have the same degree once I graduate. We want to work together once I am done with school, if I stay in Utah. My sister and I have a close relationship, so I am hoping that by working together it doesn't add stress to that.
My step brothers, believe it or not, are the two that I am closest to. We grew up together, I have known them since I was five, and now that we are older we get along a lot better. The person that I am the closest to is my step mom.
My friends are everything to me! Without my best friend, Rachelle, I wouldn't be who I am today! We have been best friends for 12 years now, we get closer and closer as the years go on. We hangout at least 5 days a week and never get sick of each other!