Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Be Happy

So I think as we grow up and go through life we look back at a lot of things. When I look back, and even when I look at myself now, I realize that I have always done what I think makes others happy. Whether it be how I act, things I do, or the people I hang around with.
 For instance someone may say that the people you hang out with effect you. They start to blame others for the way you act, when you are being yourself. I have recently come to the conclusion that you can't please everyone. We need to try and make ourselves happy, whatever that may be.
There is always a time for certain things though. We may want to "censor" ourselves when in certain situations, but never forget who you are as a person. An example would be just because someone drinks, it does not mean they are an alcoholic or a bad person. It also doesn't mean that someone changed them.
Live life and do what makes you happy!
Live life to the fullest and do what makes you happy, because at the end of the day it's your life. Even if that means doing something your loved ones wont agree with.


So since we won't be in class when Christmas I am going to write about it now. Usually when Christmas time comes everyone goes out and spends a bunch of money on their family and friends. I usually do the same thing and then wonder how everything adds up so fast. I like to buy a lot of presents for my loved ones....and the point of this blog is that I will probably do it again this year.
While its not a good thing to spend a bunch of money that you don't have (a.k.a credit cards) I think its ok to do what you can. People say that its not the meaning of Christmas and we need to not go all out, while I agree with what they say, it's ok to spend a little.
My Christmas Tree
It's good to spend money on people, but something I am going to try and I have recommended to others is to try and stay away from credit cards. Going into debt is something that everyone regrets later. If we could all live by our means and surround ourselves with the people we love our lives would be happier.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Me, Rachelle, and Courtney

Friends are what get you through life. Everyone has that friend that knows everything about your life and you are closer to them than you are anyone else. It can be your spouse, or it can just a friend. I am lucky enough to have two best friends. I have already wrote a lot about my friend Rachelle, but my other best friend is Courtney.
 I have known Courtney for six and half years. We have been in so many predicaments and always find our way through. No matter what happens we stay best friends!
Courtney and Rachelle have been through a ton with me and helped me through everything. By having friends like this it has helped me and motivated me to do a lot with my life.
 You can open up to friends and tell them things that you would never tell them things that you would never tell anyone else.
You may get into fights with your friends, whether they are stupid little ones or huge ones. The thing to remember is they will always have your back and you will always have theirs.  Throughout life we will make friends and lose friends, but try not to lose the long time friends when you make new ones.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Behind Someones Back

So something that I have seen a lot of in my life is people talking about someone, even their friends, behind their backs. Now I am guilty of this to an extent, but I always try to think about where I want my relationship to be with that person before I go beyond saying they are annoying at that time.
One of my friends was "venting" to me the other day about another one of our friends. While I listened to everything they had to say, even the rude comments, I tried to only advise on the lighter stuff. Fully knowing that they would be friends again, which by the way they are, and everything she said would have already been said.
I am not going to tell the other person, but it's hard to see them acting like nothing happend. Some of the things that were said were too mean to just forget about.
Even though we get into fights with people, we need to try to let it play out itself and not involve other people. Now when I say I only do this to an extent I mean I do this from learning. I have had times where I have talked crap on a lot of people and now there is no coming back from that. It feels like I say something good about someone, they never find out, but when I say something bad about someone they know within minutes.
Try to be nice and whatever problems you have with someone, try to take it up with them. If you do say something to others just choose your words wisely.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Family is one of the biggest things to me. I come from a big family (to me anyway). I have five half sisters, one half brother and two step brothers. I dont refer to any of them like that though, I simply refer to them as my brothers and sisters.
I have a relationship with all of them and its mostly positive. I am sure that we all get into arguments with someone in our family, I know I do. Some are legit and some are over the dumbest things. Through personal experience I got into and argument that was over something that I felt was a big issue, and that was the last time I talked to that person.
While I still feel like was we argued about was important for me to say, I have tried to act differently with my family. I feel regret is one of the hardest things here on earth, I feel anyways, and its better to not have to experience it all the time.
While we all get in fights with our family try to think about things from all angles, because at the end of the day family is everything. I am lucky to have them in my life and they have pushed me to challenge myself in everyway.
This can be easier said than done, but it's something that could be helpful for you. Family also helps us find out what kind of people we are and what we find important in our lives. According to
Three of my sisters and myself.