Monday, November 21, 2011


Me, Rachelle, and Courtney

Friends are what get you through life. Everyone has that friend that knows everything about your life and you are closer to them than you are anyone else. It can be your spouse, or it can just a friend. I am lucky enough to have two best friends. I have already wrote a lot about my friend Rachelle, but my other best friend is Courtney.
 I have known Courtney for six and half years. We have been in so many predicaments and always find our way through. No matter what happens we stay best friends!
Courtney and Rachelle have been through a ton with me and helped me through everything. By having friends like this it has helped me and motivated me to do a lot with my life.
 You can open up to friends and tell them things that you would never tell them things that you would never tell anyone else.
You may get into fights with your friends, whether they are stupid little ones or huge ones. The thing to remember is they will always have your back and you will always have theirs.  Throughout life we will make friends and lose friends, but try not to lose the long time friends when you make new ones.

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