Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Be Happy

So I think as we grow up and go through life we look back at a lot of things. When I look back, and even when I look at myself now, I realize that I have always done what I think makes others happy. Whether it be how I act, things I do, or the people I hang around with.
 For instance someone may say that the people you hang out with effect you. They start to blame others for the way you act, when you are being yourself. I have recently come to the conclusion that you can't please everyone. We need to try and make ourselves happy, whatever that may be.
There is always a time for certain things though. We may want to "censor" ourselves when in certain situations, but never forget who you are as a person. An example would be just because someone drinks, it does not mean they are an alcoholic or a bad person. It also doesn't mean that someone changed them.
Live life and do what makes you happy!
Live life to the fullest and do what makes you happy, because at the end of the day it's your life. Even if that means doing something your loved ones wont agree with.

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