Monday, November 7, 2011


Family is one of the biggest things to me. I come from a big family (to me anyway). I have five half sisters, one half brother and two step brothers. I dont refer to any of them like that though, I simply refer to them as my brothers and sisters.
I have a relationship with all of them and its mostly positive. I am sure that we all get into arguments with someone in our family, I know I do. Some are legit and some are over the dumbest things. Through personal experience I got into and argument that was over something that I felt was a big issue, and that was the last time I talked to that person.
While I still feel like was we argued about was important for me to say, I have tried to act differently with my family. I feel regret is one of the hardest things here on earth, I feel anyways, and its better to not have to experience it all the time.
While we all get in fights with our family try to think about things from all angles, because at the end of the day family is everything. I am lucky to have them in my life and they have pushed me to challenge myself in everyway.
This can be easier said than done, but it's something that could be helpful for you. Family also helps us find out what kind of people we are and what we find important in our lives. According to
Three of my sisters and myself.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! I thought I come from a big family. but...I ONLY have three younger brothers.
