Wednesday, November 30, 2011


So since we won't be in class when Christmas I am going to write about it now. Usually when Christmas time comes everyone goes out and spends a bunch of money on their family and friends. I usually do the same thing and then wonder how everything adds up so fast. I like to buy a lot of presents for my loved ones....and the point of this blog is that I will probably do it again this year.
While its not a good thing to spend a bunch of money that you don't have (a.k.a credit cards) I think its ok to do what you can. People say that its not the meaning of Christmas and we need to not go all out, while I agree with what they say, it's ok to spend a little.
My Christmas Tree
It's good to spend money on people, but something I am going to try and I have recommended to others is to try and stay away from credit cards. Going into debt is something that everyone regrets later. If we could all live by our means and surround ourselves with the people we love our lives would be happier.

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